Sunday, June 29, 2008

Chick-flicks and Optimism

This Friday, I had the misfortune of watching the movie '27 weddings' or '27 dresses' or '27 wedding dresses' or something like that. Well, you get the idea. Shakespeare once said, crap by any other name would still stink which his PR person turned into the famous quote 'the rose by another name would still smell as sweet'. So it does not matter what the exact name of the movie is, it killed me.

The netflix DVD had turned up mysteriously at our home. I think it is time I changed the password on my Netflix account, so that such movies don't appear unexplicably in my movie queue. In all fairness to my wife, good soul that she is, she did warn me not to watch it before she left for work on Friday. I think she had said 'you will hate it'. Yes, those were her exact words.

But as a moth drawn to a flame, I watched it in the early part of the evening before my wife came home. Call me an optimist, but no matter how bad a movie is, I always watch it till the end in the belief that something will happen in the next few minutes, that will redeem the movie in my eyes. And so I ended up torturing myself. When my wife came back from work, she chuckled at me - it was a 'I told you so' chuckle.

Most children will feel tempted to do something that they are told not to. Some people never grow out of that phase even as adults. I have a horrible feeling that I maybe one of them. '27 dresses' was probably the worst 'chick-flick' that I have seen in a while. Once bitten, twice shy is what they say. So I have resolved to steer clear of such movies. But I have to stop this post soon now. My wife has just put on 'Dirty Dancing' on our DVD player and I need to watch it.


Manoj Sharma said...
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Manoj Sharma said...

Is it as good as our favorite GUNDA?