Thursday, October 25, 2007

Profoundness and Fables

A few nights ago, just as we were about to sleep, I lay in bed talking to my wife and I said something, which my wife felt was too profound to have come from me. I would like to thank her for her unwavering faith in my mental capabilities. At the same time, I must also grudgingly confess that she was right because the 'profoundness' that had poured out from my mouth did not originate from me. I was merely quoting something I had read as a child in a collection of Indian fables - the "Pancha-Tantra", which in Sanskrit literally means 'Five Principles/Strategies'. On a side note, for those who do not know, disappointing as it sounds, the word 'Tantra' by itself or its derivatives like 'Tantric', have absolutely no sexual connotations. It is the fault of media/writers who have misled people to make this association.

I did a search on google and I came across this site which has all the stories (I think). Most of the characters in the stories are animals, which I am assuming is to make it more appealing to children and some adults including a member of my household, who I shall desist from naming. All I will say is that my dog does not read and I stopped reading children's literature when I grew out of childhood. But that is not to discourage anyone from reading these stories. They make for an enjoyable read especially since the stories are really short and also, now you get to look at the fables from a grown-up's perspective. So do check out that link during your lunch or whenever you feel like taking a break.

According to wikipedia - our sometimes reliable and sometime unreliable source of wisdom in the age of the internet, "the original Sanskrit text , now long lost, and which some scholars believe was composed in the 3rd century BCE is attributed to Vishnu Sarma. However, based as it is on older oral traditions, its antecedents among storytellers probably hark back to the origins of language and the subcontinent's earliest social groupings of hunting and fishing folk gathered around campfires".

Reading these stories after so many years, one of the interesting things that I recollected now is that many a time, there is a story narrated within a story narrated within a story..sometimes going into multiple levels of nested stories. I found that very unique amongst all the books or stories that I have read.

Anyway, now that you know the source of my profound thoughts (if I ever express them before you), I should stop my useless blabbering and let you check out the link and possibly have a chance to appear wise in front of your friends and family.

1 comment:

anuja said...

the next time this happens you may remind yourself- the secret of creativity is to hide your sources.(its a common adage)